September 28, 2020 | by Tom Scarda, Certified Franchise Executive
Those of us who went through Business School will remember courses such as Employee Relations, Business Communication, and Organizational Behavior. The modern-day Business School teaches us a lot of...
September 22, 2020 | by Tom Scarda, Certified Franchise Executive
When investing in anything, scrutiny and due diligence is paramount, of course. Investing is a franchise is one of the most informationally-comprehensive investments you can make, as far as I can...
September 7, 2020 | by Tom Scarda, Certified Franchise Executive
I believe humans have two brains. One in the head and one in gut.
August 31, 2020 | by Tom Scarda, Certified Franchise Executive
When I was in high school, more than three decades ago, music was my thing, especially heavy metal. Living in Brooklyn, NY, going, Lamour’s nightclub, was a weekly ritual for my friends and me. By...
August 24, 2020 | by Tom Scarda, Certified Franchise Executive
When you own a franchise, you’re the leader of a small business -- its success and challenges ultimately fall on your shoulders. But, as the landscape for leaders evolves, the skills and competencies...
August 17, 2020 | by Tom Scarda, Certified Franchise Executive
The first day of 4th grade was profound for me. Sporting my new, crisp, freshly ironed Catholic school uniform, I could feel the excitement in the air as 20 boys, dressed just like me, filed into the...
April 1, 2020 | by Tom Scarda, Certified Franchise Executive
Did you know that every time a franchise opens, it creates an average of 20 new jobs, 10 directly and 10 indirectly through suppliers. All these small enterprises also become tax bases for the state...
March 17, 2020 | by Jamie Herzlich
By Jamie Herzlich, New York Newsday, March 16, 2020
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