October 5, 2020 | by Tom Scarda, Certified Franchise Executive
Last week, I was asked by an individual I met via my YouTube videos: What makes a Good Franchise Advisor? If you're thinking about claiming your own destiny...
September 28, 2020 | by Tom Scarda, Certified Franchise Executive
Those of us who went through Business School will remember courses such as Employee Relations, Business Communication, and Organizational Behavior. The modern-day Business School teaches us a lot of...
September 22, 2020 | by Tom Scarda, Certified Franchise Executive
When investing in anything, scrutiny and due diligence is paramount, of course. Investing is a franchise is one of the most informationally-comprehensive investments you can make, as far as I can...
September 14, 2020 | by Tom Scarda, Certified Franchise Executive
Guest blog written by Naomi Johnson, naomi@lifebasedbusiness.net (www.lifebasedbusiness.net)
September 7, 2020 | by Tom Scarda, Certified Franchise Executive
I believe humans have two brains. One in the head and one in gut.
August 31, 2020 | by Tom Scarda, Certified Franchise Executive
When I was in high school, more than three decades ago, music was my thing, especially heavy metal. Living in Brooklyn, NY, going, Lamour’s nightclub, was a weekly ritual for my friends and me. By...
August 24, 2020 | by Tom Scarda, Certified Franchise Executive
When you own a franchise, you’re the leader of a small business -- its success and challenges ultimately fall on your shoulders. But, as the landscape for leaders evolves, the skills and competencies...
August 17, 2020 | by Tom Scarda, Certified Franchise Executive
The first day of 4th grade was profound for me. Sporting my new, crisp, freshly ironed Catholic school uniform, I could feel the excitement in the air as 20 boys, dressed just like me, filed into the...
June 9, 2020 | by Tom Scarda, Certified Franchise Executive
Have you ever heard the saying, "If you love your work, you'll never work a day in your life?" That may be true if you work a job and build someone else's dream. However, if you want to control your...
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