The Franchise Academy

Do the work

Written by Tom Scarda, Certified Franchise Executive | Jun 12, 2023 2:00:00 PM

I did not write this. Someone else did. However, I feel compelled to share it. 

If this piece does not resonate with you, that is probably a good thing. If it does, you need to make a decision.


“Corporate America is Great…until it’s NOT.” 

“Growth and Comfort do not Co-Exist”

Most people start a business because they are unemployable.

They hated what they were doing or weren't good at what they were doing.

Now they are trying to build a business working at the same level they did while working for others. That doesn’t work. A business owner must grow and do things differently.

They want freedom but don't want to work for it.

You can’t be passive as a business owner you must be on the attack.

You can't be lazy as a business owner you must be a beast.

You gotta do the hard crap and get after it.

The people who find freedom, who find that lifestyle you're looking for. Are out working you.

They went into beast mode and got focused on building a business, growing a business, and then scaling the business.

If you want it easy then go get a job.

If you don't want to put in the time and you hate your job, then you better learn to eat crap real quick.

But that’s okay as long as you’re okay with being in the same place next year and all the years after that.

Do the work until the work is done.


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