Download Tom's 33-page Franchise Guidebook

Understand the franchise model before talking with the companies

Franchise ownership 'self-test' included

With more than 4,000 franchises in 90 different industries, choosing a franchise is daunting. Many first-timers choose franchises for the wrong reasons. If you did that it could end up being a huge financial mistake for your family. Get this guidebook free of charge before you make your move.

Great for people who have never purchased a business before

What you'll learn:

  • What is Franchising and why are people drawn to it?
  • If franchising is for you complete with a self test
  • The steps to choosing a franchise
  • Financial requirements and how to finance a business
  • Determining the Return on investment ROI in a business
  • Evaluating support in regard to training and marketing
  • How to read the franchise documents if you go down the road with an investigation
  • Question to ask existing franchisees in the concept you're evaluating

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